New Earth

Mama Care

At each (re)birth a caring presence. A doula to support your journey with love and respect.

“Mothers are the soil of Humanity.”

I support women and families during Pregnancy, Birth and Post-partum.

Holding space during your sacred passages.

Taking care of life, supporting new born mothers.

And celebrating your journey of reborn with bodywork and ceremonies.

Welcome I am Mélanie.

I am a Woman, a Mother of 2 boys and a Doula that support women on their path of transformation.

My mission is to take care of the new born mothers and families, and to celebrate her journey through the poetry of rituals that carry life’s force.

I am in service for reclaiming the sacredness in child birth, and to contribute to the remembering of a cyclical humanity and to cultivate a sensitive and bondering community.

New Earth Mama Care


New Earth Mama Care 〰️

Pregnancy Support

I support you during your 9 months life growing journey. With emotional, physical and informational support. And help you with a personalized preparation for childbirth.

Read more here.

Birth Support

I recognize child birth as a physiological event that need to be protected and honored. From pregnancy to post partum, I support you during labour and birth.

Read more here.

Post Partum Support

Mothering the mother so she can nurture and take care of her baby. Giving support to the new born family so she can grows bonding with her baby.

Read more here.

  • Lene, Post partum Support

    My experience with Mélanie was wonderful. I felt understood, supported and after a little retreat with a footbath, meditation and massage much more connected with my body and soul.

    I would recommend every woman to connect with Mélanie during pregnancy, giving birth and become a Mother. Be part of the circle and join a group with other women in the same situation to share informations, your feelings and feel connected.”

  • Sumita, Birth support

    ”Mélanie I cannot thank you enough for how absolutely loving you were. I could feel your energy, I could feel your confort, I could feel you holding the space for me, to just express and vocalize. It was incredible, thank you so much.”

  • Eva, Pregnancy Support

    ”Conheci a Mélanie num passeio de flores comestíveis e imediatamente percebi que estava diante de um ser especial... uma mulher ligada à natureza e à sua verdade, de uma forma muito simples e honesta. Essa pureza levou-me a querer saber mais sobre o seu trabalho... Descobri que um dos seus dons está ligado à saúde da mulher no período da concepção e também na maternidade - o que me interessou bastante devido estar a tentar engravidar nessa altura. Mantivemos o contacto e, entretanto quando engravidei, decidi fazer uma preparação com ela: foram 5 sessões de conversas abertas, desabafos e muito apoio moral e técnico em que aprendi muito sobre o meu poder pessoal enquanto mulher e enquanto mãe. Adorei as sessões e tudo o que aprendi. Recomendo vivamente a todas as mulheres que queiram conhecer melhor as opções que existem para uma gravidez e parto mais tranquilos e naturais e libertar o seu poder interior. Obrigada Mélanie! »

  • Alizée, Pregnancy Online Support

    “Pour ma première grossesse j’avais envie d’être épaulée et bien me préparer, je me suis donc lancé dans l’aventure avec Mélanie! Je me suis sentie toujours à l’aise pour discuter, Mélanie sait être à l’écoute et disponible. Elle a toujours été très professionnelle. Chaque séance on abordait un sujet auquel je souhaitais qu’elle détaille et réponde à mes parts d’ombre. Elle a mis en place des séances ciblées sur la douleur (réalisation d’un mandala, ainsi que d’un labyrinthe avec l’expérience “gestion de la douleur” avec des glaçons). Mon expérience avec Mélanie en quelques mots: SURPRISE, CALME, SAGESSE.

    Surprise: Elle a su m’accompagner petit à petit à la naissance de ma fille. Et me préparer à tous les scénarios possibles. Car mettre au monde ne s’apprend pas, mais se vit.

    Calme: J’avais envie de sérénité, et Mélanie dans son accompagnement a respecté cela. J’étais très apaisé et sereine grâce à elle. Et mon accouchement a été à cette image.

    Sagesse: Mélanie est très érudit et connaît très bien de quoi elle parle. Elle m’a appris énormément sur le corps de la femme. Elle a la sagesse d’une sage femme.

    Mélanie était avec moi pendant mon accouchement, par la pensée et par les énergies qu’elle m’envoyait. Elle m’a donnée de la force et du soutien dont j’avais besoin. Et ma Zoé est arrivé dans le calme et l’amour. Merci Mélanie.


Weaving in circles.

Committed to the transmission of knowledge for fertile emancipation, I facilitate workshops, circles, and retreats.

I co-create collective events for you to make connections with a nourishing and inspirational community.

Valuing the power of bonding to weave an healthy and cooperative new earth.

"O bem-estar das mães é o fio com que se tece o futuro da nossa sociedade."

Dr. Oscar Serrallach