Workshop Alimentação Pos parto
We cook together, I share with you all the secrets to recover from birth with an adapted post partum food for body and soul, and you can enjoy your meal or keep your food in the freezer for later.
3h30 Workshop for 1 person. Includes the lesson, the ingredients to cook a slow cooked chicken or mushroom broth, rice with ginger and a lentils or chickpeas stew with coconut milk, and cacau/raspberry/rose or coconut energy balls.
We cook together, I share with you all the secrets to recover from birth with an adapted post partum food for body and soul, and you can enjoy your meal or keep your food in the freezer for later.
3h30 Workshop for 1 person. Includes the lesson, the ingredients to cook a slow cooked chicken or mushroom broth, rice with ginger and a lentils or chickpeas stew with coconut milk, and cacau/raspberry/rose or coconut energy balls.
We cook together, I share with you all the secrets to recover from birth with an adapted post partum food for body and soul, and you can enjoy your meal or keep your food in the freezer for later.
3h30 Workshop for 1 person. Includes the lesson, the ingredients to cook a slow cooked chicken or mushroom broth, rice with ginger and a lentils or chickpeas stew with coconut milk, and cacau/raspberry/rose or coconut energy balls.
Valid 3 months from the day you buy it. Non refundable. No exchange.
Valid for Porto area, Vila Nova de Gaia, and Espinho. For other location please contact me before making the purchase.
After making the purchase you will receive an email to ask for the date we will make it.